
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Birthday preps (1)

Our eldest son turns 5 the day after tomorrow and there’s quite some excitement in the air over here. Since around easter he repeatedly asked when it would finally be his birthday. He could hardly endure his brother’s birthday 5 weeks ago and shed many tears of disappointment when little bro opened his presents.

He “wrote” his invitations last weekend and handed them out last monday. Since then he is counting down and first thing in the morning he tells me how often he will have to go to sleep until his birthday. Beams and giggles and laughter. Love his excitement and cheerful anticipation (o:

His party theme is “Pirates” and when I decided he wasn’t too old for a birthday crown, I quickly chose this pirates print from my stash. It took about one hour to plan, draw, cut, fuse and sew the crown and I think he will like it.


I used an interfacing I usually use for bags and it turned out quite sturdy.
Then I added some velcro so it fits his head perfectly

Geburtstagskrone verschluss

I’m happy with how it turned out eventually and will make some more to give away as birthday presents (added to that already too long to-sew list). I guess without the planning it might be done in 45 minutes or less.

Birthday preparations continue tomorrow – I might show you more if I’m not too exhausted by tomorrow evening (o:

Have a nice start into october!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Quilt for Craft Book Month

Craft Book Month at Craft Buds

Oh yes, I do love craft books. And there’s one that I bought just because I liked the cover and wanted to know what’s more inside ;o) And I wasn’t disappointed.


Jessica Levitt’s Modern Mix is all about combining your favourite prints with solids. So much inspiration! And in May I really made the cover quilt ;o)

Quilt Zoology Circles_ed

Although I must confess that I changed the pattern a bit. It called for turn-under edges for the circles and I used raw edge appliqué instead. And I changed the dimensions according to my needs (baby quilt). I used Ann Kelle’s Urban Zoologie (again) and used my GO! Baby Circle Cutting Die. I had quite a hard time deciding on the background colour as Kelle’s colours are so bright and vibrant and I didn’t want to steal their show. But I am sooooooo pleased with how it turned out in the end!

I free motion quilted circles in different sizes all over the quilt – but behold! I cheated again – I was afraid of messing up the bigger ones so I traced around some large round objects (mostly lids) and quilted the shapes afterwards.

Quilt Zoology Circles FMQ_ed

The only frustration is that I chose a zigzag stitch that is too narrow. Some circles start fraying and might be torn off entirely so I will have to secure them with additional stitches. Oh well.

You can find my initial post with more photos here. I’m going to link up to Craftbuds, you might want to hop over and have a look at what smarter people have come up with ;o)

Happy Sunday everyone!!!

Tutorial Fabric Baskets

O.k. I’m a bit slow but I finally finished my tutorial for easy Fabric Baskets. I’m going to add it to the “My Tutorials” site one day sooner or later, but in the meantime you can find it here:

Einzelkorb blogged

Supply list:
- basic sewing supplies (sewing machine, iron, fabric marker, scissors, rotary cutter, ruler, etc.)
- outer fabric, depending on size of your basket
- inner/ lining fabric, depending on size of your basket
- fusible batting, depending on size of your basket
- a round object to trace or compass


1. Cutting
This fabric basket is made from a circle and a long rectangle.
First, decide on the size of the circle. Then you calculate the length of your rectangle. Remember what you learned in school? The cirumference of your circle is equal to 6,28 x radius of your circle. (Remember: 2 x pi x r) Some things you learned were really learned for life ;o) Oh, and add a generous seam allowance to your rectangle!
Choose height of your rectangle according to your needs.

2. Fuse your batting to the outer fabric. Follow manufacturer’s advice.


3. Draw the circle onto your fabrics, either tracing a round shape or using your compass.


4. Cut out the cirles and the rectangles.


5. Lay out your rectangles right sides together and sew along one long side.

right sides together

6. Open up and mark the centres of both raw long sides.


7. Take your lining fabric circle and your lining rectangle and lay them out right sides together.

circle and rectangle

8.  Pin centre of rectangle to any point of your circle.

Centre pin

9. Pin all around the circle…


…until it looks like so:


10. Sew all around the circle, just remember to backstitch at the start and in the end to secure your seams.

sewing over pins

Make sure you finish your seam in the exact place where you started it. Like so:

finishing point

11. Repeat no. 7-10 and attach your outer fabric circle to your outer fabric rectangle. Afterwards it should look like this: a long tube with an open side.


12. Sew from one end to the other, leaving an opening in the lining fabric.

pinned tube

13. Cut back your seam allowance to 1/2”, turn inside out and close the opening (by hand or using your sewing machine). You might want to stitch around the top edge of your fabric basket once but that’s really up to you.

Enjoy the variety of your new fabric basket (o;

Collage Juggling Brotkoerbe ed

Credits: Fabrics used in this tutorial: two prints of Juggling Summer from Zen Chic (Brigitte Heitland) for Moda.

Thanks for reading. If you do have any questions, please let me know in the comments, I’ll try to answer them asap.

Happy Sewing (o:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sea Glass Blocks for Sew-Euro-bee-an

I finally made the Sea Glass Blocks that Helen requested for “her” month September. She sent a great inspirational mosaic:

And here is what I came up with:

Helens Block 1

Helens Block 2

Helens Blcke

The small “glasses” are 0,5” squares and the bigger one are 1” squares. Quite a pain to sew… And then last night I discovered I wasn’t bright enough to measure and calculate. Not that it was that big news to me but it was annoying never the less… Block number one turned out to be too small and had to be unpicked first thing this morning. Aaaah!

However I am not unhappy with the final result and I even finished the signature block before I brought the kids home from kindergarten. So they are going to the mail tomorrow. The blocks. Not the kids. Or do you fancy a family addition, Helen?

You might want to check out the other sea glass blocks that my fellow members made for Helen, there’s a nice collection in our flickr pool.

Happy Sewing everyone!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

More upcycling

Do you sometimes turn long denim jeans into shorts?
Here’s an idea to re-use the denim legs you cut off:

Upcycled Denim Baskets (1)

For a more manly version: Simply cut out a matching denim circle for the bottom. Sew the circle to the raw edge (right sides together) and fold over the already hemmed seam. Done in under 20 minutes I dare say!

Upcycled Denim Baskets (2)

For the girly version I added a pink lining. Another 15 Minutes and you have a super quick last minute gift that you can fill with a bottle of wine and chocolate or tools and beer (for the guys in your life).
Let me know what you fill in this quick and modern gift! I’d love to hear it!

Happy sewing!

P.S. Tutorial anyone or are the instructions clear enough?